Cities with the Largest Inupiat Community in the United States
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Map of Cities with the Largest Inupiat Community in the United States
Cities with the Largest Inupiat Community in the United States
City | Inupiat | vs State | vs National | |
1. | Anchorage | 6,239 | 29,504(21.15%)#1 | 46,707(13.36%)#1 |
2. | Utqiagvik | 2,555 | 29,504(8.66%)#2 | 46,707(5.47%)#2 |
3. | Kotzebue | 2,149 | 29,504(7.28%)#3 | 46,707(4.60%)#3 |
4. | Nome | 2,104 | 29,504(7.13%)#4 | 46,707(4.50%)#4 |
5. | Kivalina | 747 | 29,504(2.53%)#5 | 46,707(1.60%)#5 |
6. | Knik Fairview | 731 | 29,504(2.48%)#6 | 46,707(1.57%)#6 |
7. | Buckland | 618 | 29,504(2.09%)#7 | 46,707(1.32%)#7 |
8. | St Paul | 611 | 797(76.66%)#1 | 46,707(1.31%)#8 |
9. | Point Hope | 591 | 29,504(2.00%)#8 | 46,707(1.27%)#9 |
10. | Brevig Mission | 590 | 29,504(2.00%)#9 | 46,707(1.26%)#10 |
11. | Noorvik | 584 | 29,504(1.98%)#10 | 46,707(1.25%)#11 |
12. | Shishmaref | 538 | 29,504(1.82%)#11 | 46,707(1.15%)#12 |
13. | Noatak | 515 | 29,504(1.75%)#12 | 46,707(1.10%)#13 |
14. | Selawik | 489 | 29,504(1.66%)#13 | 46,707(1.05%)#14 |
15. | Wainwright | 470 | 29,504(1.59%)#14 | 46,707(1.01%)#15 |
16. | Fairbanks | 445 | 29,504(1.51%)#15 | 46,707(0.95%)#16 |
17. | Unalakleet | 420 | 29,504(1.42%)#16 | 46,707(0.90%)#17 |
18. | Nuiqsut | 418 | 29,504(1.42%)#17 | 46,707(0.89%)#18 |
19. | Farmers Loop | 401 | 29,504(1.36%)#18 | 46,707(0.86%)#19 |
20. | Kiana | 392 | 29,504(1.33%)#19 | 46,707(0.84%)#20 |
21. | Shaktoolik | 292 | 29,504(0.99%)#20 | 46,707(0.63%)#21 |
22. | Koyuk | 292 | 29,504(0.99%)#21 | 46,707(0.63%)#22 |
23. | Elim | 288 | 29,504(0.98%)#22 | 46,707(0.62%)#23 |
24. | Wales | 284 | 29,504(0.96%)#23 | 46,707(0.61%)#24 |
25. | North Lakes | 262 | 29,504(0.89%)#24 | 46,707(0.56%)#25 |
26. | New York | 252 | 649(38.83%)#1 | 46,707(0.54%)#26 |
27. | Mekoryuk | 251 | 29,504(0.85%)#25 | 46,707(0.54%)#27 |
28. | Shungnak | 244 | 29,504(0.83%)#26 | 46,707(0.52%)#28 |
29. | Teller | 238 | 29,504(0.81%)#27 | 46,707(0.51%)#29 |
30. | San Jose | 237 | 2,263(10.47%)#1 | 46,707(0.51%)#30 |
31. | Wasilla | 234 | 29,504(0.79%)#28 | 46,707(0.50%)#31 |
32. | Phelan | 232 | 2,263(10.25%)#2 | 46,707(0.50%)#32 |
33. | Ambler | 229 | 29,504(0.78%)#29 | 46,707(0.49%)#33 |
34. | Spokane | 209 | 1,927(10.85%)#1 | 46,707(0.45%)#34 |
35. | Juneau City And Borough | 206 | 29,504(0.70%)#30 | 46,707(0.44%)#35 |
36. | Chandler | 205 | 906(22.63%)#1 | 46,707(0.44%)#36 |
37. | Lavon | 205 | 1,345(15.24%)#1 | 46,707(0.44%)#37 |
38. | Gilroy | 194 | 2,263(8.57%)#3 | 46,707(0.42%)#38 |
39. | Kaktovik | 189 | 29,504(0.64%)#31 | 46,707(0.40%)#39 |
40. | Columbus | 184 | 349(52.72%)#1 | 46,707(0.39%)#40 |
41. | Kalifornsky | 182 | 29,504(0.62%)#32 | 46,707(0.39%)#41 |
42. | Napakiak | 181 | 29,504(0.61%)#33 | 46,707(0.39%)#42 |
43. | Seward | 180 | 29,504(0.61%)#34 | 46,707(0.39%)#43 |
44. | White Mountain | 177 | 29,504(0.60%)#35 | 46,707(0.38%)#44 |
45. | Anaktuvuk Pass | 176 | 29,504(0.60%)#36 | 46,707(0.38%)#45 |
46. | Golovin | 173 | 29,504(0.59%)#37 | 46,707(0.37%)#46 |
47. | Deering | 170 | 29,504(0.58%)#38 | 46,707(0.36%)#47 |
48. | South Jordan | 168 | 420(40.00%)#1 | 46,707(0.36%)#48 |
49. | Chicago | 167 | 407(41.03%)#1 | 46,707(0.36%)#49 |
50. | College | 163 | 29,504(0.55%)#39 | 46,707(0.35%)#50 |
51. | Tuntutuliak | 162 | 29,504(0.55%)#40 | 46,707(0.35%)#51 |
52. | Portland | 158 | 1,162(13.60%)#1 | 46,707(0.34%)#52 |
53. | Waterloo | 149 | 252(59.13%)#1 | 46,707(0.32%)#53 |
54. | Palmer | 146 | 29,504(0.49%)#41 | 46,707(0.31%)#54 |
55. | Point Lay | 146 | 29,504(0.49%)#42 | 46,707(0.31%)#55 |
56. | Glendale | 134 | 906(14.79%)#2 | 46,707(0.29%)#56 |
57. | Bend | 134 | 1,162(11.53%)#2 | 46,707(0.29%)#57 |
58. | Seattle | 128 | 1,927(6.64%)#2 | 46,707(0.27%)#58 |
59. | Tanaina | 125 | 29,504(0.42%)#43 | 46,707(0.27%)#59 |
60. | Kobuk | 124 | 29,504(0.42%)#44 | 46,707(0.27%)#60 |
61. | Mesa | 122 | 906(13.47%)#3 | 46,707(0.26%)#61 |
62. | Fort Worth | 120 | 1,345(8.92%)#2 | 46,707(0.26%)#62 |
63. | Atqasuk | 117 | 29,504(0.40%)#45 | 46,707(0.25%)#63 |
64. | Chula Vista | 106 | 2,263(4.68%)#4 | 46,707(0.23%)#64 |
65. | Bethel | 106 | 29,504(0.36%)#46 | 46,707(0.23%)#65 |
66. | Ester | 105 | 29,504(0.36%)#47 | 46,707(0.22%)#66 |
67. | Nikiski | 103 | 29,504(0.35%)#48 | 46,707(0.22%)#67 |
68. | Meadow Lakes | 102 | 29,504(0.35%)#49 | 46,707(0.22%)#68 |
69. | Los Angeles | 100 | 2,263(4.42%)#5 | 46,707(0.21%)#69 |
70. | Eugene | 99 | 1,162(8.52%)#3 | 46,707(0.21%)#70 |
71. | Elgin | 98 | 407(24.08%)#2 | 46,707(0.21%)#71 |
72. | Houston | 97 | 1,345(7.21%)#3 | 46,707(0.21%)#72 |
73. | Chena Ridge | 94 | 29,504(0.32%)#50 | 46,707(0.20%)#73 |
74. | Post Falls | 93 | 558(16.67%)#1 | 46,707(0.20%)#74 |
75. | Moscow | 89 | 558(15.95%)#2 | 46,707(0.19%)#75 |
76. | Badger | 89 | 29,504(0.30%)#51 | 46,707(0.19%)#76 |
77. | South Lakes | 88 | 29,504(0.30%)#52 | 46,707(0.19%)#77 |
78. | Nashville | 87 | 253(34.39%)#1 | 46,707(0.19%)#78 |
79. | Las Vegas | 86 | 156(55.13%)#1 | 46,707(0.18%)#79 |
80. | Birmingham | 86 | 133(64.66%)#1 | 46,707(0.18%)#80 |
81. | Lake Stevens | 85 | 1,927(4.41%)#3 | 46,707(0.18%)#81 |
82. | Richmond | 83 | 365(22.74%)#1 | 46,707(0.18%)#82 |
83. | Sitka City And Borough | 83 | 29,504(0.28%)#53 | 46,707(0.18%)#83 |
84. | Gateway | 82 | 29,504(0.28%)#54 | 46,707(0.18%)#84 |
85. | Golden Valley | 81 | 906(8.94%)#4 | 46,707(0.17%)#85 |
86. | Tempe | 79 | 906(8.72%)#5 | 46,707(0.17%)#86 |
87. | West Point | 79 | 420(18.81%)#2 | 46,707(0.17%)#87 |
88. | Mount Vernon | 78 | 649(12.02%)#2 | 46,707(0.17%)#88 |
89. | Stanwood | 78 | 1,927(4.05%)#4 | 46,707(0.17%)#89 |
90. | Phoenix | 77 | 906(8.50%)#6 | 46,707(0.16%)#90 |
91. | Wilson | 77 | 259(29.73%)#1 | 46,707(0.16%)#91 |
92. | Ogden | 76 | 420(18.10%)#3 | 46,707(0.16%)#92 |
93. | Tumwater | 76 | 1,927(3.94%)#5 | 46,707(0.16%)#93 |
94. | Glenwood Springs | 76 | 547(13.89%)#1 | 46,707(0.16%)#94 |
95. | Ridgeway | 76 | 29,504(0.26%)#55 | 46,707(0.16%)#95 |
96. | Fishhook | 74 | 29,504(0.25%)#56 | 46,707(0.16%)#96 |
97. | Philadelphia | 72 | 297(24.24%)#1 | 46,707(0.15%)#97 |
98. | Aurora | 72 | 547(13.16%)#2 | 46,707(0.15%)#98 |
99. | Everett | 71 | 1,927(3.68%)#6 | 46,707(0.15%)#99 |
100. | Sanger | 71 | 2,263(3.14%)#6 | 46,707(0.15%)#100 |
Common Questions
What are the Top 10 Cities with the Largest Inupiat Community in the United States?
Top 10 Cities with the Largest Inupiat Community in the United States are:
What city has the Largest Inupiat Community in the United States?
Anchorage has the Largest Inupiat Community in the United States with 6,239.
What is the Total Inupiat Population in the United States?
Total Inupiat Population in the United States is 46,707.