Delaware vs Jordanian Average Family Size
Average Family Size
Average Family Size Comparison
11.1/ 100
215th/ 347
73.5/ 100
151st/ 347
Delaware vs Jordanian Average Family Size Correlation Chart
The statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 96,226,564 people shows a slight positive correlation between the proportion of Delaware and average family size in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.073 and weighted average of 3.20. Similarly, the statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 166,395,405 people shows a mild positive correlation between the proportion of Jordanians and average family size in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.341 and weighted average of 3.24, a difference of 1.4%.

Average Family Size Correlation Summary
Measurement | Delaware | Jordanian |
Minimum | 2.13 | 2.76 |
Maximum | 4.76 | 3.84 |
Range | 2.63 | 1.08 |
Mean | 3.22 | 3.28 |
Median | 3.18 | 3.22 |
Interquartile 25% (IQ1) | 3.04 | 3.12 |
Interquartile 75% (IQ3) | 3.35 | 3.50 |
Interquartile Range (IQR) | 0.31 | 0.38 |
Standard Deviation (Sample) | 0.41 | 0.24 |
Standard Deviation (Population) | 0.41 | 0.24 |
Similar Demographics by Average Family Size
Demographics Similar to Delaware by Average Family Size
In terms of average family size, the demographic groups most similar to Delaware are Bermudan (3.20, a difference of 0.0%), Somali (3.20, a difference of 0.010%), Mongolian (3.20, a difference of 0.020%), Immigrants from Somalia (3.20, a difference of 0.040%), and Immigrants from Iran (3.20, a difference of 0.050%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Average Family Size |
Chippewa | 13.3 /100 | #208 | Poor 3.20 |
Sudanese | 13.3 /100 | #209 | Poor 3.20 |
Zimbabweans | 12.6 /100 | #210 | Poor 3.20 |
Immigrants | Iran | 12.1 /100 | #211 | Poor 3.20 |
Creek | 12.1 /100 | #212 | Poor 3.20 |
Mongolians | 11.5 /100 | #213 | Poor 3.20 |
Somalis | 11.2 /100 | #214 | Poor 3.20 |
Delaware | 11.1 /100 | #215 | Poor 3.20 |
Bermudans | 11.0 /100 | #216 | Poor 3.20 |
Immigrants | Somalia | 10.3 /100 | #217 | Poor 3.20 |
French American Indians | 9.8 /100 | #218 | Tragic 3.20 |
Pennsylvania Germans | 9.3 /100 | #219 | Tragic 3.19 |
Lebanese | 9.1 /100 | #220 | Tragic 3.19 |
Immigrants | Ukraine | 7.2 /100 | #221 | Tragic 3.19 |
Immigrants | Kuwait | 7.2 /100 | #222 | Tragic 3.19 |
Demographics Similar to Jordanians by Average Family Size
In terms of average family size, the demographic groups most similar to Jordanians are Indian (Asian) (3.24, a difference of 0.0%), Assyrian/Chaldean/Syriac (3.24, a difference of 0.010%), Spanish American (3.24, a difference of 0.020%), Blackfeet (3.24, a difference of 0.040%), and Immigrants from Jordan (3.24, a difference of 0.050%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Average Family Size |
Tsimshian | 80.2 /100 | #144 | Excellent 3.25 |
Armenians | 78.2 /100 | #145 | Good 3.25 |
Immigrants | Africa | 77.9 /100 | #146 | Good 3.25 |
Immigrants | Jordan | 75.7 /100 | #147 | Good 3.24 |
Blackfeet | 75.0 /100 | #148 | Good 3.24 |
Assyrians/Chaldeans/Syriacs | 73.8 /100 | #149 | Good 3.24 |
Indians (Asian) | 73.6 /100 | #150 | Good 3.24 |
Jordanians | 73.5 /100 | #151 | Good 3.24 |
Spanish Americans | 72.5 /100 | #152 | Good 3.24 |
Immigrants | Eritrea | 71.4 /100 | #153 | Good 3.24 |
Immigrants | Egypt | 70.0 /100 | #154 | Good 3.24 |
Seminole | 68.2 /100 | #155 | Good 3.24 |
Immigrants | Taiwan | 68.1 /100 | #156 | Good 3.24 |
Immigrants | Uzbekistan | 67.0 /100 | #157 | Good 3.24 |
Iraqis | 64.3 /100 | #158 | Good 3.24 |