Delaware vs Macedonian Currently Married
Currently Married
Currently Married Comparison
64.7/ 100
163rd/ 347
97.9/ 100
71st/ 347
Delaware vs Macedonian Currently Married Correlation Chart
The statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 96,237,198 people shows a mild negative correlation between the proportion of Delaware and percentage of population currently married in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.387 and weighted average of 46.9%. Similarly, the statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 132,654,492 people shows no correlation between the proportion of Macedonians and percentage of population currently married in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.001 and weighted average of 48.3%, a difference of 3.0%.

Currently Married Correlation Summary
Measurement | Delaware | Macedonian |
Minimum | 23.2% | 26.8% |
Maximum | 76.3% | 78.0% |
Range | 53.1% | 51.2% |
Mean | 48.7% | 51.5% |
Median | 49.1% | 52.3% |
Interquartile 25% (IQ1) | 44.5% | 47.5% |
Interquartile 75% (IQ3) | 54.2% | 55.2% |
Interquartile Range (IQR) | 9.7% | 7.7% |
Standard Deviation (Sample) | 9.9% | 7.9% |
Standard Deviation (Population) | 9.9% | 7.8% |
Similar Demographics by Currently Married
Demographics Similar to Delaware by Currently Married
In terms of currently married, the demographic groups most similar to Delaware are Immigrants from Western Asia (46.9%, a difference of 0.020%), Nonimmigrants (46.9%, a difference of 0.030%), Immigrants from Uzbekistan (46.9%, a difference of 0.050%), Immigrants from Southern Europe (46.9%, a difference of 0.050%), and Iraqi (46.9%, a difference of 0.070%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Currently Married |
Spanish | 68.1 /100 | #156 | Good 47.0% |
Immigrants | Switzerland | 67.8 /100 | #157 | Good 46.9% |
Cherokee | 66.8 /100 | #158 | Good 46.9% |
Iraqis | 66.4 /100 | #159 | Good 46.9% |
Immigrants | Uzbekistan | 66.0 /100 | #160 | Good 46.9% |
Immigrants | Southern Europe | 65.9 /100 | #161 | Good 46.9% |
Immigrants | Nonimmigrants | 65.4 /100 | #162 | Good 46.9% |
Delaware | 64.7 /100 | #163 | Good 46.9% |
Immigrants | Western Asia | 64.2 /100 | #164 | Good 46.9% |
Samoans | 59.8 /100 | #165 | Average 46.8% |
Immigrants | Syria | 59.3 /100 | #166 | Average 46.8% |
Spaniards | 58.8 /100 | #167 | Average 46.8% |
Immigrants | Afghanistan | 58.2 /100 | #168 | Average 46.8% |
Armenians | 58.2 /100 | #169 | Average 46.8% |
Immigrants | Latvia | 56.7 /100 | #170 | Average 46.7% |
Demographics Similar to Macedonians by Currently Married
In terms of currently married, the demographic groups most similar to Macedonians are Immigrants from Asia (48.3%, a difference of 0.010%), Canadian (48.3%, a difference of 0.090%), Immigrants from England (48.3%, a difference of 0.11%), Slovak (48.3%, a difference of 0.12%), and Tongan (48.3%, a difference of 0.13%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Currently Married |
Immigrants | Czechoslovakia | 98.3 /100 | #64 | Exceptional 48.4% |
Ukrainians | 98.3 /100 | #65 | Exceptional 48.4% |
Tongans | 98.2 /100 | #66 | Exceptional 48.3% |
Slovaks | 98.2 /100 | #67 | Exceptional 48.3% |
Immigrants | England | 98.2 /100 | #68 | Exceptional 48.3% |
Canadians | 98.1 /100 | #69 | Exceptional 48.3% |
Immigrants | Asia | 97.9 /100 | #70 | Exceptional 48.3% |
Macedonians | 97.9 /100 | #71 | Exceptional 48.3% |
Immigrants | Lebanon | 97.6 /100 | #72 | Exceptional 48.2% |
Immigrants | Eastern Asia | 97.5 /100 | #73 | Exceptional 48.2% |
Estonians | 97.4 /100 | #74 | Exceptional 48.2% |
Immigrants | Belarus | 97.2 /100 | #75 | Exceptional 48.1% |
Basques | 97.2 /100 | #76 | Exceptional 48.1% |
Slovenes | 97.1 /100 | #77 | Exceptional 48.1% |
Immigrants | Belgium | 97.1 /100 | #78 | Exceptional 48.1% |