Tlingit-Haida vs Czech Per Capita Income
Per Capita Income
Per Capita Income Comparison
45.9/ 100
177th/ 347
74.1/ 100
147th/ 347
Tlingit-Haida vs Czech Per Capita Income Correlation Chart
The statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 60,872,339 people shows a weak negative correlation between the proportion of Tlingit-Haida and per capita income in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.253 and weighted average of $43,516. Similarly, the statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 484,845,584 people shows a weak negative correlation between the proportion of Czechs and per capita income in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.233 and weighted average of $44,595, a difference of 2.5%.

Per Capita Income Correlation Summary
Measurement | Tlingit-Haida | Czech |
Minimum | $16,326 | $14,339 |
Maximum | $59,619 | $58,093 |
Range | $43,293 | $43,754 |
Mean | $37,894 | $36,126 |
Median | $38,682 | $36,098 |
Interquartile 25% (IQ1) | $30,599 | $31,633 |
Interquartile 75% (IQ3) | $44,372 | $40,288 |
Interquartile Range (IQR) | $13,773 | $8,655 |
Standard Deviation (Sample) | $9,586 | $7,126 |
Standard Deviation (Population) | $9,471 | $7,100 |
Similar Demographics by Per Capita Income
Demographics Similar to Tlingit-Haida by Per Capita Income
In terms of per capita income, the demographic groups most similar to Tlingit-Haida are Immigrants from South Eastern Asia ($43,539, a difference of 0.050%), Immigrants from Costa Rica ($43,464, a difference of 0.12%), Finnish ($43,461, a difference of 0.13%), Celtic ($43,621, a difference of 0.24%), and Sierra Leonean ($43,405, a difference of 0.25%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Per Capita Income |
Scandinavians | 55.2 /100 | #170 | Average $43,848 |
Immigrants | Eastern Africa | 54.9 /100 | #171 | Average $43,838 |
Czechoslovakians | 54.1 /100 | #172 | Average $43,806 |
French | 50.7 /100 | #173 | Average $43,685 |
Colombians | 50.0 /100 | #174 | Average $43,661 |
Celtics | 48.9 /100 | #175 | Average $43,621 |
Immigrants | South Eastern Asia | 46.6 /100 | #176 | Average $43,539 |
Tlingit-Haida | 45.9 /100 | #177 | Average $43,516 |
Immigrants | Costa Rica | 44.5 /100 | #178 | Average $43,464 |
Finns | 44.4 /100 | #179 | Average $43,461 |
Sierra Leoneans | 42.9 /100 | #180 | Average $43,405 |
Welsh | 38.2 /100 | #181 | Fair $43,233 |
Immigrants | Vietnam | 38.1 /100 | #182 | Fair $43,229 |
Germans | 33.9 /100 | #183 | Fair $43,067 |
Spaniards | 32.9 /100 | #184 | Fair $43,028 |
Demographics Similar to Czechs by Per Capita Income
In terms of per capita income, the demographic groups most similar to Czechs are Immigrants from Armenia ($44,552, a difference of 0.10%), Korean ($44,522, a difference of 0.16%), Irish ($44,679, a difference of 0.19%), Immigrants from Eritrea ($44,509, a difference of 0.19%), and Norwegian ($44,480, a difference of 0.26%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Per Capita Income |
Immigrants | Jordan | 82.9 /100 | #140 | Excellent $45,066 |
Slavs | 82.6 /100 | #141 | Excellent $45,049 |
Ugandans | 82.6 /100 | #142 | Excellent $45,047 |
Immigrants | Uganda | 82.5 /100 | #143 | Excellent $45,043 |
Icelanders | 81.6 /100 | #144 | Excellent $44,987 |
Immigrants | Afghanistan | 78.0 /100 | #145 | Good $44,790 |
Irish | 75.8 /100 | #146 | Good $44,679 |
Czechs | 74.1 /100 | #147 | Good $44,595 |
Immigrants | Armenia | 73.1 /100 | #148 | Good $44,552 |
Koreans | 72.5 /100 | #149 | Good $44,522 |
Immigrants | Eritrea | 72.1 /100 | #150 | Good $44,509 |
Norwegians | 71.5 /100 | #151 | Good $44,480 |
Peruvians | 71.5 /100 | #152 | Good $44,479 |
Scottish | 70.6 /100 | #153 | Good $44,440 |
Portuguese | 68.7 /100 | #154 | Good $44,362 |