Puget Sound Salish vs Ecuadorian Median Earnings
Puget Sound Salish
Median Earnings
Median Earnings Comparison
Puget Sound Salish
46.5/ 100
180th/ 347
15.3/ 100
220th/ 347
Puget Sound Salish vs Ecuadorian Median Earnings Correlation Chart
The statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 46,155,746 people shows a weak negative correlation between the proportion of Puget Sound Salish and median earnings in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.226 and weighted average of $46,333. Similarly, the statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 317,848,977 people shows a moderate negative correlation between the proportion of Ecuadorians and median earnings in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.456 and weighted average of $45,214, a difference of 2.5%.

Median Earnings Correlation Summary
Measurement | Puget Sound Salish | Ecuadorian |
Minimum | $26,875 | $26,500 |
Maximum | $65,298 | $60,377 |
Range | $38,423 | $33,877 |
Mean | $43,450 | $42,954 |
Median | $43,514 | $45,047 |
Interquartile 25% (IQ1) | $38,912 | $38,574 |
Interquartile 75% (IQ3) | $47,991 | $47,434 |
Interquartile Range (IQR) | $9,079 | $8,860 |
Standard Deviation (Sample) | $8,689 | $7,114 |
Standard Deviation (Population) | $8,513 | $7,055 |
Similar Demographics by Median Earnings
Demographics Similar to Puget Sound Salish by Median Earnings
In terms of median earnings, the demographic groups most similar to Puget Sound Salish are English ($46,334, a difference of 0.0%), Immigrants from Cameroon ($46,329, a difference of 0.010%), Colombian ($46,349, a difference of 0.040%), Swiss ($46,315, a difference of 0.040%), and French ($46,296, a difference of 0.080%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Median Earnings |
Ghanaians | 50.3 /100 | #173 | Average $46,440 |
Scandinavians | 50.0 /100 | #174 | Average $46,433 |
Basques | 48.8 /100 | #175 | Average $46,399 |
Danes | 48.6 /100 | #176 | Average $46,392 |
Belgians | 48.0 /100 | #177 | Average $46,375 |
Colombians | 47.1 /100 | #178 | Average $46,349 |
English | 46.5 /100 | #179 | Average $46,334 |
Puget Sound Salish | 46.5 /100 | #180 | Average $46,333 |
Immigrants | Cameroon | 46.4 /100 | #181 | Average $46,329 |
Swiss | 45.9 /100 | #182 | Average $46,315 |
French | 45.2 /100 | #183 | Average $46,296 |
Immigrants | Kenya | 42.4 /100 | #184 | Average $46,214 |
Uruguayans | 41.6 /100 | #185 | Average $46,190 |
Vietnamese | 40.9 /100 | #186 | Average $46,172 |
Iraqis | 39.9 /100 | #187 | Fair $46,140 |
Demographics Similar to Ecuadorians by Median Earnings
In terms of median earnings, the demographic groups most similar to Ecuadorians are Immigrants from Guyana ($45,204, a difference of 0.020%), Immigrants from Panama ($45,198, a difference of 0.030%), White/Caucasian ($45,197, a difference of 0.040%), West Indian ($45,132, a difference of 0.18%), and Immigrants from Cambodia ($45,090, a difference of 0.28%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Median Earnings |
Immigrants | Colombia | 22.4 /100 | #213 | Fair $45,550 |
Nigerians | 22.0 /100 | #214 | Fair $45,532 |
Immigrants | Bangladesh | 22.0 /100 | #215 | Fair $45,532 |
Guyanese | 20.6 /100 | #216 | Fair $45,470 |
Tlingit-Haida | 20.5 /100 | #217 | Fair $45,468 |
Spanish | 19.7 /100 | #218 | Poor $45,432 |
Dutch | 18.4 /100 | #219 | Poor $45,370 |
Ecuadorians | 15.3 /100 | #220 | Poor $45,214 |
Immigrants | Guyana | 15.1 /100 | #221 | Poor $45,204 |
Immigrants | Panama | 15.0 /100 | #222 | Poor $45,198 |
Whites/Caucasians | 15.0 /100 | #223 | Poor $45,197 |
West Indians | 13.9 /100 | #224 | Poor $45,132 |
Immigrants | Cambodia | 13.2 /100 | #225 | Poor $45,090 |
Immigrants | Nigeria | 12.2 /100 | #226 | Poor $45,030 |
Native Hawaiians | 12.2 /100 | #227 | Poor $45,027 |