Ottawa vs Immigrants from Ireland Average Family Size
Immigrants from Ireland
Average Family Size
Average Family Size Comparison
Immigrants from Ireland
0.0/ 100
326th/ 347
0.1/ 100
306th/ 347
Ottawa vs Immigrants from Ireland Average Family Size Correlation Chart
The statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 49,944,420 people shows a substantial negative correlation between the proportion of Ottawa and average family size in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.517 and weighted average of 3.11. Similarly, the statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 240,751,818 people shows a moderate negative correlation between the proportion of Immigrants from Ireland and average family size in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.436 and weighted average of 3.13, a difference of 0.68%.

Average Family Size Correlation Summary
Measurement | Ottawa | Immigrants from Ireland |
Minimum | 1.60 | 2.06 |
Maximum | 4.78 | 3.85 |
Range | 3.18 | 1.79 |
Mean | 2.92 | 2.99 |
Median | 2.94 | 3.05 |
Interquartile 25% (IQ1) | 2.79 | 2.86 |
Interquartile 75% (IQ3) | 3.10 | 3.19 |
Interquartile Range (IQR) | 0.31 | 0.34 |
Standard Deviation (Sample) | 0.49 | 0.33 |
Standard Deviation (Population) | 0.49 | 0.33 |
Demographics Similar to Ottawa and Immigrants from Ireland by Average Family Size
In terms of average family size, the demographic groups most similar to Ottawa are English (3.11, a difference of 0.050%), Celtic (3.11, a difference of 0.090%), Soviet Union (3.11, a difference of 0.17%), Immigrants from Austria (3.12, a difference of 0.20%), and Immigrants from Canada (3.12, a difference of 0.20%). Similarly, the demographic groups most similar to Immigrants from Ireland are Immigrants from Serbia (3.13, a difference of 0.010%), Slavic (3.13, a difference of 0.060%), Northern European (3.13, a difference of 0.060%), Czechoslovakian (3.13, a difference of 0.090%), and Immigrants from Northern Europe (3.13, a difference of 0.13%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Average Family Size |
Immigrants | Ireland | 0.1 /100 | #306 | Tragic 3.13 |
Immigrants | Serbia | 0.1 /100 | #307 | Tragic 3.13 |
Slavs | 0.1 /100 | #308 | Tragic 3.13 |
Northern Europeans | 0.1 /100 | #309 | Tragic 3.13 |
Czechoslovakians | 0.1 /100 | #310 | Tragic 3.13 |
Immigrants | Northern Europe | 0.1 /100 | #311 | Tragic 3.13 |
Immigrants | Australia | 0.1 /100 | #312 | Tragic 3.13 |
Bulgarians | 0.1 /100 | #313 | Tragic 3.13 |
Russians | 0.1 /100 | #314 | Tragic 3.12 |
Immigrants | Scotland | 0.1 /100 | #315 | Tragic 3.12 |
Serbians | 0.1 /100 | #316 | Tragic 3.12 |
Italians | 0.1 /100 | #317 | Tragic 3.12 |
Eastern Europeans | 0.1 /100 | #318 | Tragic 3.12 |
Welsh | 0.1 /100 | #319 | Tragic 3.12 |
Immigrants | North America | 0.0 /100 | #320 | Tragic 3.12 |
Immigrants | Austria | 0.0 /100 | #321 | Tragic 3.12 |
Immigrants | Canada | 0.0 /100 | #322 | Tragic 3.12 |
Soviet Union | 0.0 /100 | #323 | Tragic 3.11 |
Celtics | 0.0 /100 | #324 | Tragic 3.11 |
English | 0.0 /100 | #325 | Tragic 3.11 |
Ottawa | 0.0 /100 | #326 | Tragic 3.11 |