Apache vs Pakistani Associate's Degree
Associate's Degree
Associate's Degree Comparison
0.0/ 100
330th/ 347
88.0/ 100
136th/ 347
Apache vs Pakistani Associate's Degree Correlation Chart
The statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 231,140,415 people shows a significant negative correlation between the proportion of Apache and percentage of population with at least associate's degree education in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.677 and weighted average of 36.2%. Similarly, the statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 335,329,831 people shows a poor negative correlation between the proportion of Pakistanis and percentage of population with at least associate's degree education in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.142 and weighted average of 48.1%, a difference of 32.6%.

Associate's Degree Correlation Summary
Measurement | Apache | Pakistani |
Minimum | 3.2% | 4.0% |
Maximum | 47.2% | 87.1% |
Range | 44.0% | 83.1% |
Mean | 23.0% | 42.1% |
Median | 24.9% | 44.2% |
Interquartile 25% (IQ1) | 12.5% | 33.2% |
Interquartile 75% (IQ3) | 32.1% | 49.8% |
Interquartile Range (IQR) | 19.6% | 16.6% |
Standard Deviation (Sample) | 11.9% | 16.2% |
Standard Deviation (Population) | 11.7% | 16.1% |
Similar Demographics by Associate's Degree
Demographics Similar to Apache by Associate's Degree
In terms of associate's degree, the demographic groups most similar to Apache are Paiute (36.4%, a difference of 0.31%), Alaskan Athabascan (36.5%, a difference of 0.60%), Dutch West Indian (36.5%, a difference of 0.61%), Kiowa (36.5%, a difference of 0.63%), and Menominee (36.7%, a difference of 1.2%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Associate's Degree |
Immigrants | Cabo Verde | 0.0 /100 | #323 | Tragic 36.8% |
Arapaho | 0.0 /100 | #324 | Tragic 36.7% |
Menominee | 0.0 /100 | #325 | Tragic 36.7% |
Kiowa | 0.0 /100 | #326 | Tragic 36.5% |
Dutch West Indians | 0.0 /100 | #327 | Tragic 36.5% |
Alaskan Athabascans | 0.0 /100 | #328 | Tragic 36.5% |
Paiute | 0.0 /100 | #329 | Tragic 36.4% |
Apache | 0.0 /100 | #330 | Tragic 36.2% |
Immigrants | Azores | 0.0 /100 | #331 | Tragic 35.6% |
Immigrants | Central America | 0.0 /100 | #332 | Tragic 35.0% |
Mexicans | 0.0 /100 | #333 | Tragic 35.0% |
Natives/Alaskans | 0.0 /100 | #334 | Tragic 34.9% |
Spanish American Indians | 0.0 /100 | #335 | Tragic 34.9% |
Hopi | 0.0 /100 | #336 | Tragic 34.6% |
Lumbee | 0.0 /100 | #337 | Tragic 34.1% |
Demographics Similar to Pakistanis by Associate's Degree
In terms of associate's degree, the demographic groups most similar to Pakistanis are Immigrants from Eritrea (48.1%, a difference of 0.040%), Polish (48.0%, a difference of 0.11%), European (48.2%, a difference of 0.18%), Moroccan (48.2%, a difference of 0.24%), and Assyrian/Chaldean/Syriac (48.2%, a difference of 0.26%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Associate's Degree |
Swedes | 91.5 /100 | #129 | Exceptional 48.4% |
Immigrants | Jordan | 91.2 /100 | #130 | Exceptional 48.4% |
Icelanders | 90.8 /100 | #131 | Exceptional 48.3% |
Immigrants | Albania | 89.9 /100 | #132 | Excellent 48.2% |
Assyrians/Chaldeans/Syriacs | 89.4 /100 | #133 | Excellent 48.2% |
Moroccans | 89.3 /100 | #134 | Excellent 48.2% |
Europeans | 89.0 /100 | #135 | Excellent 48.2% |
Pakistanis | 88.0 /100 | #136 | Excellent 48.1% |
Immigrants | Eritrea | 87.8 /100 | #137 | Excellent 48.1% |
Poles | 87.3 /100 | #138 | Excellent 48.0% |
Slovenes | 85.1 /100 | #139 | Excellent 47.9% |
Immigrants | Southern Europe | 84.4 /100 | #140 | Excellent 47.8% |
Taiwanese | 83.3 /100 | #141 | Excellent 47.7% |
Sierra Leoneans | 82.9 /100 | #142 | Excellent 47.7% |
Norwegians | 81.0 /100 | #143 | Excellent 47.6% |