Guamanian/Chamorro vs Osage Currently Married
Currently Married
Currently Married Comparison
74.2/ 100
143rd/ 347
87.9/ 100
122nd/ 347
Guamanian/Chamorro vs Osage Currently Married Correlation Chart
The statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 221,951,395 people shows a poor positive correlation between the proportion of Guamanians/Chamorros and percentage of population currently married in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.105 and weighted average of 47.1%. Similarly, the statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 91,806,752 people shows a weak negative correlation between the proportion of Osage and percentage of population currently married in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.277 and weighted average of 47.5%, a difference of 0.84%.

Currently Married Correlation Summary
Measurement | Guamanian/Chamorro | Osage |
Minimum | 33.7% | 24.7% |
Maximum | 72.4% | 76.9% |
Range | 38.7% | 52.2% |
Mean | 51.5% | 52.2% |
Median | 49.5% | 51.9% |
Interquartile 25% (IQ1) | 45.6% | 47.2% |
Interquartile 75% (IQ3) | 58.9% | 56.3% |
Interquartile Range (IQR) | 13.3% | 9.1% |
Standard Deviation (Sample) | 9.5% | 10.3% |
Standard Deviation (Population) | 9.4% | 10.2% |
Similar Demographics by Currently Married
Demographics Similar to Guamanians/Chamorros by Currently Married
In terms of currently married, the demographic groups most similar to Guamanians/Chamorros are Venezuelan (47.1%, a difference of 0.010%), Argentinean (47.1%, a difference of 0.010%), Hmong (47.1%, a difference of 0.040%), Cajun (47.1%, a difference of 0.050%), and Immigrants from South Eastern Asia (47.1%, a difference of 0.060%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Currently Married |
Immigrants | Vietnam | 78.2 /100 | #136 | Good 47.2% |
Paraguayans | 77.8 /100 | #137 | Good 47.2% |
Pakistanis | 77.5 /100 | #138 | Good 47.2% |
Yugoslavians | 77.4 /100 | #139 | Good 47.2% |
Cajuns | 75.3 /100 | #140 | Good 47.1% |
Venezuelans | 74.4 /100 | #141 | Good 47.1% |
Argentineans | 74.4 /100 | #142 | Good 47.1% |
Guamanians/Chamorros | 74.2 /100 | #143 | Good 47.1% |
Hmong | 73.4 /100 | #144 | Good 47.1% |
Immigrants | South Eastern Asia | 72.9 /100 | #145 | Good 47.1% |
Carpatho Rusyns | 72.6 /100 | #146 | Good 47.0% |
Immigrants | Argentina | 72.0 /100 | #147 | Good 47.0% |
Cambodians | 70.4 /100 | #148 | Good 47.0% |
Zimbabweans | 70.1 /100 | #149 | Good 47.0% |
Immigrants | Turkey | 70.0 /100 | #150 | Good 47.0% |
Demographics Similar to Osage by Currently Married
In terms of currently married, the demographic groups most similar to Osage are Immigrants from Croatia (47.5%, a difference of 0.060%), Immigrants from Kazakhstan (47.4%, a difference of 0.060%), Syrian (47.5%, a difference of 0.090%), Laotian (47.4%, a difference of 0.11%), and Okinawan (47.4%, a difference of 0.20%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Currently Married |
Immigrants | Indonesia | 90.5 /100 | #115 | Exceptional 47.6% |
Palestinians | 90.4 /100 | #116 | Exceptional 47.6% |
Puget Sound Salish | 90.3 /100 | #117 | Exceptional 47.6% |
Immigrants | Philippines | 90.2 /100 | #118 | Exceptional 47.6% |
Australians | 90.2 /100 | #119 | Exceptional 47.6% |
Syrians | 88.9 /100 | #120 | Excellent 47.5% |
Immigrants | Croatia | 88.6 /100 | #121 | Excellent 47.5% |
Osage | 87.9 /100 | #122 | Excellent 47.5% |
Immigrants | Kazakhstan | 87.2 /100 | #123 | Excellent 47.4% |
Laotians | 86.6 /100 | #124 | Excellent 47.4% |
Okinawans | 85.3 /100 | #125 | Excellent 47.4% |
Immigrants | Jordan | 84.9 /100 | #126 | Excellent 47.4% |
New Zealanders | 84.9 /100 | #127 | Excellent 47.4% |
Portuguese | 84.2 /100 | #128 | Excellent 47.3% |
Sri Lankans | 83.2 /100 | #129 | Excellent 47.3% |