Tohono O'odham vs Alaskan Athabascan Bachelor's Degree
Tohono O'odham
Alaskan Athabascan
Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor's Degree Comparison
Tohono O'odham
Alaskan Athabascans
0.0/ 100
343rd/ 347
0.0/ 100
321st/ 347
Tohono O'odham vs Alaskan Athabascan Bachelor's Degree Correlation Chart
The statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 58,724,509 people shows a mild negative correlation between the proportion of Tohono O'odham and percentage of population with at least bachelor's degree education in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.343 and weighted average of 24.4%. Similarly, the statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 45,819,303 people shows a significant negative correlation between the proportion of Alaskan Athabascans and percentage of population with at least bachelor's degree education in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.601 and weighted average of 28.8%, a difference of 18.0%.

Bachelor's Degree Correlation Summary
Measurement | Tohono O'odham | Alaskan Athabascan |
Minimum | 0.61% | 2.9% |
Maximum | 36.0% | 49.4% |
Range | 35.4% | 46.5% |
Mean | 12.7% | 20.3% |
Median | 10.8% | 20.9% |
Interquartile 25% (IQ1) | 5.5% | 10.6% |
Interquartile 75% (IQ3) | 17.1% | 28.2% |
Interquartile Range (IQR) | 11.6% | 17.6% |
Standard Deviation (Sample) | 9.0% | 11.8% |
Standard Deviation (Population) | 8.8% | 11.7% |
Similar Demographics by Bachelor's Degree
Demographics Similar to Tohono O'odham by Bachelor's Degree
In terms of bachelor's degree, the demographic groups most similar to Tohono O'odham are Yakama (24.5%, a difference of 0.20%), Yuman (24.5%, a difference of 0.47%), Lumbee (24.8%, a difference of 1.4%), Navajo (23.6%, a difference of 3.4%), and Hopi (25.3%, a difference of 3.6%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Bachelor's Degree |
Mexicans | 0.0 /100 | #333 | Tragic 27.1% |
Arapaho | 0.0 /100 | #334 | Tragic 26.6% |
Natives/Alaskans | 0.0 /100 | #335 | Tragic 26.3% |
Immigrants | Mexico | 0.0 /100 | #336 | Tragic 26.1% |
Inupiat | 0.0 /100 | #337 | Tragic 25.8% |
Pueblo | 0.0 /100 | #338 | Tragic 25.5% |
Hopi | 0.0 /100 | #339 | Tragic 25.3% |
Lumbee | 0.0 /100 | #340 | Tragic 24.8% |
Yuman | 0.0 /100 | #341 | Tragic 24.5% |
Yakama | 0.0 /100 | #342 | Tragic 24.5% |
Tohono O'odham | 0.0 /100 | #343 | Tragic 24.4% |
Navajo | 0.0 /100 | #344 | Tragic 23.6% |
Pima | 0.0 /100 | #345 | Tragic 23.2% |
Houma | 0.0 /100 | #346 | Tragic 21.4% |
Yup'ik | 0.0 /100 | #347 | Tragic 19.4% |
Demographics Similar to Alaskan Athabascans by Bachelor's Degree
In terms of bachelor's degree, the demographic groups most similar to Alaskan Athabascans are Kiowa (28.8%, a difference of 0.080%), Creek (28.9%, a difference of 0.13%), Tsimshian (28.8%, a difference of 0.22%), Fijian (28.7%, a difference of 0.36%), and Yaqui (29.0%, a difference of 0.58%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Bachelor's Degree |
Shoshone | 0.0 /100 | #314 | Tragic 29.3% |
Immigrants | Cabo Verde | 0.0 /100 | #315 | Tragic 29.2% |
Sioux | 0.0 /100 | #316 | Tragic 29.1% |
Colville | 0.0 /100 | #317 | Tragic 29.0% |
Yaqui | 0.0 /100 | #318 | Tragic 29.0% |
Creek | 0.0 /100 | #319 | Tragic 28.9% |
Kiowa | 0.0 /100 | #320 | Tragic 28.8% |
Alaskan Athabascans | 0.0 /100 | #321 | Tragic 28.8% |
Tsimshian | 0.0 /100 | #322 | Tragic 28.8% |
Fijians | 0.0 /100 | #323 | Tragic 28.7% |
Dutch West Indians | 0.0 /100 | #324 | Tragic 28.5% |
Pennsylvania Germans | 0.0 /100 | #325 | Tragic 28.4% |
Apache | 0.0 /100 | #326 | Tragic 28.3% |
Paiute | 0.0 /100 | #327 | Tragic 28.1% |
Crow | 0.0 /100 | #328 | Tragic 27.7% |