Paiute vs German Russian College, 1 year or more
German Russian
College, 1 year or more
College, 1 year or more Comparison
German Russians
0.0/ 100
297th/ 347
39.3/ 100
183rd/ 347
Paiute vs German Russian College, 1 year or more Correlation Chart
The statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 58,404,248 people shows a mild negative correlation between the proportion of Paiute and percentage of population with at least college, 1 year or more education in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.344 and weighted average of 52.9%. Similarly, the statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 96,461,984 people shows a slight negative correlation between the proportion of German Russians and percentage of population with at least college, 1 year or more education in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.068 and weighted average of 59.1%, a difference of 11.8%.

College, 1 year or more Correlation Summary
Measurement | Paiute | German Russian |
Minimum | 25.3% | 16.9% |
Maximum | 68.6% | 84.9% |
Range | 43.4% | 68.0% |
Mean | 45.0% | 54.7% |
Median | 45.9% | 57.0% |
Interquartile 25% (IQ1) | 38.5% | 48.8% |
Interquartile 75% (IQ3) | 51.5% | 63.0% |
Interquartile Range (IQR) | 13.0% | 14.2% |
Standard Deviation (Sample) | 11.2% | 14.9% |
Standard Deviation (Population) | 11.0% | 14.7% |
Similar Demographics by College, 1 year or more
Demographics Similar to Paiute by College, 1 year or more
In terms of college, 1 year or more, the demographic groups most similar to Paiute are Sioux (53.0%, a difference of 0.28%), Immigrants from Dominica (52.5%, a difference of 0.59%), Yaqui (53.2%, a difference of 0.62%), Cherokee (53.2%, a difference of 0.63%), and Black/African American (53.3%, a difference of 0.84%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | College, 1 year or more |
Alaskan Athabascans | 0.0 /100 | #290 | Tragic 53.4% |
Cubans | 0.0 /100 | #291 | Tragic 53.4% |
Chickasaw | 0.0 /100 | #292 | Tragic 53.3% |
Blacks/African Americans | 0.0 /100 | #293 | Tragic 53.3% |
Cherokee | 0.0 /100 | #294 | Tragic 53.2% |
Yaqui | 0.0 /100 | #295 | Tragic 53.2% |
Sioux | 0.0 /100 | #296 | Tragic 53.0% |
Paiute | 0.0 /100 | #297 | Tragic 52.9% |
Immigrants | Dominica | 0.0 /100 | #298 | Tragic 52.5% |
Immigrants | Nicaragua | 0.0 /100 | #299 | Tragic 52.4% |
Choctaw | 0.0 /100 | #300 | Tragic 52.3% |
Haitians | 0.0 /100 | #301 | Tragic 52.3% |
Puerto Ricans | 0.0 /100 | #302 | Tragic 52.2% |
Creek | 0.0 /100 | #303 | Tragic 52.2% |
Central Americans | 0.0 /100 | #304 | Tragic 52.1% |
Demographics Similar to German Russians by College, 1 year or more
In terms of college, 1 year or more, the demographic groups most similar to German Russians are Spaniard (59.0%, a difference of 0.060%), Immigrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina (59.2%, a difference of 0.19%), South American (59.0%, a difference of 0.20%), Swiss (59.2%, a difference of 0.22%), and Yugoslavian (59.2%, a difference of 0.26%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | College, 1 year or more |
Immigrants | Poland | 48.9 /100 | #176 | Average 59.4% |
Tlingit-Haida | 48.4 /100 | #177 | Average 59.4% |
Czechoslovakians | 48.3 /100 | #178 | Average 59.4% |
Bermudans | 46.6 /100 | #179 | Average 59.3% |
Yugoslavians | 44.1 /100 | #180 | Average 59.2% |
Swiss | 43.4 /100 | #181 | Average 59.2% |
Immigrants | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 42.8 /100 | #182 | Average 59.2% |
German Russians | 39.3 /100 | #183 | Fair 59.1% |
Spaniards | 38.3 /100 | #184 | Fair 59.0% |
South Americans | 35.9 /100 | #185 | Fair 59.0% |
Scotch-Irish | 34.7 /100 | #186 | Fair 58.9% |
Germans | 34.7 /100 | #187 | Fair 58.9% |
French | 34.4 /100 | #188 | Fair 58.9% |
Uruguayans | 31.8 /100 | #189 | Fair 58.8% |
Immigrants | Cameroon | 31.2 /100 | #190 | Fair 58.8% |