Bhutanese vs Ghanaian Per Capita Income
Per Capita Income
Per Capita Income Comparison
99.9/ 100
59th/ 347
15.7/ 100
206th/ 347
Bhutanese vs Ghanaian Per Capita Income Correlation Chart
The statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 455,599,247 people shows a mild negative correlation between the proportion of Bhutanese and per capita income in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.342 and weighted average of $49,894. Similarly, the statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 190,723,780 people shows no correlation between the proportion of Ghanaians and per capita income in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.007 and weighted average of $42,164, a difference of 18.3%.

Per Capita Income Correlation Summary
Measurement | Bhutanese | Ghanaian |
Minimum | $8,097 | $22,951 |
Maximum | $91,569 | $80,537 |
Range | $83,472 | $57,586 |
Mean | $45,753 | $41,613 |
Median | $44,077 | $41,877 |
Interquartile 25% (IQ1) | $37,217 | $34,906 |
Interquartile 75% (IQ3) | $53,334 | $46,657 |
Interquartile Range (IQR) | $16,117 | $11,751 |
Standard Deviation (Sample) | $13,593 | $10,874 |
Standard Deviation (Population) | $13,533 | $10,809 |
Similar Demographics by Per Capita Income
Demographics Similar to Bhutanese by Per Capita Income
In terms of per capita income, the demographic groups most similar to Bhutanese are Immigrants from Scotland ($49,893, a difference of 0.0%), Argentinean ($49,862, a difference of 0.070%), Immigrants from Malaysia ($49,983, a difference of 0.18%), South African ($50,044, a difference of 0.30%), and Immigrants from Asia ($49,741, a difference of 0.31%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Per Capita Income |
Immigrants | Croatia | 99.9 /100 | #52 | Exceptional $50,417 |
Paraguayans | 99.9 /100 | #53 | Exceptional $50,385 |
Immigrants | Belarus | 99.9 /100 | #54 | Exceptional $50,303 |
Immigrants | Western Europe | 99.9 /100 | #55 | Exceptional $50,065 |
Asians | 99.9 /100 | #56 | Exceptional $50,057 |
South Africans | 99.9 /100 | #57 | Exceptional $50,044 |
Immigrants | Malaysia | 99.9 /100 | #58 | Exceptional $49,983 |
Bhutanese | 99.9 /100 | #59 | Exceptional $49,894 |
Immigrants | Scotland | 99.9 /100 | #60 | Exceptional $49,893 |
Argentineans | 99.9 /100 | #61 | Exceptional $49,862 |
Immigrants | Asia | 99.9 /100 | #62 | Exceptional $49,741 |
Maltese | 99.9 /100 | #63 | Exceptional $49,640 |
Immigrants | Argentina | 99.9 /100 | #64 | Exceptional $49,627 |
Bolivians | 99.9 /100 | #65 | Exceptional $49,526 |
Immigrants | Bulgaria | 99.9 /100 | #66 | Exceptional $49,482 |
Demographics Similar to Ghanaians by Per Capita Income
In terms of per capita income, the demographic groups most similar to Ghanaians are White/Caucasian ($42,180, a difference of 0.040%), Aleut ($42,210, a difference of 0.11%), Spanish ($42,249, a difference of 0.20%), Venezuelan ($42,074, a difference of 0.21%), and Immigrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina ($42,278, a difference of 0.27%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Per Capita Income |
Barbadians | 19.6 /100 | #199 | Poor $42,406 |
Vietnamese | 19.0 /100 | #200 | Poor $42,368 |
Immigrants | Thailand | 17.6 /100 | #201 | Poor $42,289 |
Immigrants | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 17.5 /100 | #202 | Poor $42,278 |
Spanish | 17.0 /100 | #203 | Poor $42,249 |
Aleuts | 16.4 /100 | #204 | Poor $42,210 |
Whites/Caucasians | 15.9 /100 | #205 | Poor $42,180 |
Ghanaians | 15.7 /100 | #206 | Poor $42,164 |
Venezuelans | 14.4 /100 | #207 | Poor $42,074 |
Panamanians | 13.9 /100 | #208 | Poor $42,035 |
Immigrants | Sudan | 13.2 /100 | #209 | Poor $41,986 |
Ecuadorians | 12.9 /100 | #210 | Poor $41,958 |
Immigrants | Panama | 11.6 /100 | #211 | Poor $41,853 |
Immigrants | Senegal | 11.3 /100 | #212 | Poor $41,830 |
Immigrants | Venezuela | 10.2 /100 | #213 | Poor $41,727 |