Alsatian vs Salvadoran Currently Married
Currently Married
Currently Married Comparison
10.8/ 100
208th/ 347
0.1/ 100
270th/ 347
Alsatian vs Salvadoran Currently Married Correlation Chart
The statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 82,681,658 people shows a very strong positive correlation between the proportion of Alsatians and percentage of population currently married in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.840 and weighted average of 45.7%. Similarly, the statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 399,003,710 people shows a poor negative correlation between the proportion of Salvadorans and percentage of population currently married in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.176 and weighted average of 43.5%, a difference of 5.1%.

Currently Married Correlation Summary
Measurement | Alsatian | Salvadoran |
Minimum | 39.9% | 24.9% |
Maximum | 84.3% | 59.1% |
Range | 44.4% | 34.2% |
Mean | 56.5% | 42.4% |
Median | 55.7% | 43.2% |
Interquartile 25% (IQ1) | 52.2% | 39.1% |
Interquartile 75% (IQ3) | 59.7% | 45.5% |
Interquartile Range (IQR) | 7.5% | 6.4% |
Standard Deviation (Sample) | 8.8% | 5.1% |
Standard Deviation (Population) | 8.6% | 5.0% |
Similar Demographics by Currently Married
Demographics Similar to Alsatians by Currently Married
In terms of currently married, the demographic groups most similar to Alsatians are Immigrants from South America (45.7%, a difference of 0.010%), Immigrants (45.8%, a difference of 0.050%), South American Indian (45.8%, a difference of 0.070%), Immigrants from Spain (45.8%, a difference of 0.080%), and Taiwanese (45.8%, a difference of 0.090%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Currently Married |
Malaysians | 15.3 /100 | #201 | Poor 45.9% |
Immigrants | Albania | 14.5 /100 | #202 | Poor 45.9% |
Taiwanese | 11.7 /100 | #203 | Poor 45.8% |
Immigrants | Spain | 11.6 /100 | #204 | Poor 45.8% |
South American Indians | 11.5 /100 | #205 | Poor 45.8% |
Immigrants | Immigrants | 11.2 /100 | #206 | Poor 45.8% |
Immigrants | South America | 10.8 /100 | #207 | Poor 45.7% |
Alsatians | 10.8 /100 | #208 | Poor 45.7% |
Immigrants | Micronesia | 8.8 /100 | #209 | Tragic 45.6% |
Uruguayans | 7.9 /100 | #210 | Tragic 45.6% |
Houma | 7.2 /100 | #211 | Tragic 45.5% |
Marshallese | 7.2 /100 | #212 | Tragic 45.5% |
Alaska Natives | 7.0 /100 | #213 | Tragic 45.5% |
Dutch West Indians | 6.7 /100 | #214 | Tragic 45.5% |
German Russians | 6.7 /100 | #215 | Tragic 45.5% |
Demographics Similar to Salvadorans by Currently Married
In terms of currently married, the demographic groups most similar to Salvadorans are Bermudan (43.5%, a difference of 0.020%), Indonesian (43.5%, a difference of 0.050%), Immigrants from Sudan (43.5%, a difference of 0.080%), Yaqui (43.4%, a difference of 0.10%), and Nigerian (43.4%, a difference of 0.11%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Currently Married |
Immigrants | Cuba | 0.1 /100 | #263 | Tragic 43.7% |
Sudanese | 0.1 /100 | #264 | Tragic 43.7% |
Immigrants | Bangladesh | 0.1 /100 | #265 | Tragic 43.6% |
Ecuadorians | 0.1 /100 | #266 | Tragic 43.6% |
Immigrants | Eritrea | 0.1 /100 | #267 | Tragic 43.6% |
Spanish American Indians | 0.1 /100 | #268 | Tragic 43.6% |
Immigrants | Sudan | 0.1 /100 | #269 | Tragic 43.5% |
Salvadorans | 0.1 /100 | #270 | Tragic 43.5% |
Bermudans | 0.1 /100 | #271 | Tragic 43.5% |
Indonesians | 0.1 /100 | #272 | Tragic 43.5% |
Yaqui | 0.1 /100 | #273 | Tragic 43.4% |
Nigerians | 0.1 /100 | #274 | Tragic 43.4% |
Colville | 0.1 /100 | #275 | Tragic 43.4% |
Sierra Leoneans | 0.1 /100 | #276 | Tragic 43.4% |
Immigrants | Nigeria | 0.1 /100 | #277 | Tragic 43.4% |