Yup'ik vs Uruguayan Female Unemployment
Female Unemployment
Female Unemployment Comparison
0.0/ 100
346th/ 347
11.4/ 100
212th/ 347
Yup'ik vs Uruguayan Female Unemployment Correlation Chart
The statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 39,915,126 people shows a significant positive correlation between the proportion of Yup'ik and unemploymnet rate among females in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.614 and weighted average of 10.9%. Similarly, the statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 144,657,332 people shows a mild negative correlation between the proportion of Uruguayans and unemploymnet rate among females in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.365 and weighted average of 5.4%, a difference of 100.6%.

Female Unemployment Correlation Summary
Measurement | Yup'ik | Uruguayan |
Minimum | 3.0% | 1.0% |
Maximum | 37.9% | 8.5% |
Range | 34.9% | 7.5% |
Mean | 14.0% | 4.6% |
Median | 12.0% | 4.9% |
Interquartile 25% (IQ1) | 6.2% | 2.9% |
Interquartile 75% (IQ3) | 20.0% | 6.1% |
Interquartile Range (IQR) | 13.8% | 3.2% |
Standard Deviation (Sample) | 8.8% | 2.1% |
Standard Deviation (Population) | 8.8% | 2.0% |
Similar Demographics by Female Unemployment
Demographics Similar to Yup'ik by Female Unemployment
In terms of female unemployment, the demographic groups most similar to Yup'ik are Crow (12.1%, a difference of 11.5%), Yuman (9.6%, a difference of 13.4%), Pima (9.3%, a difference of 16.5%), Arapaho (8.8%, a difference of 23.7%), and Puerto Rican (8.3%, a difference of 30.4%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Female Unemployment |
Menominee | 0.0 /100 | #333 | Tragic 7.0% |
Immigrants | Armenia | 0.0 /100 | #334 | Tragic 7.1% |
Dominicans | 0.0 /100 | #335 | Tragic 7.2% |
Immigrants | Dominican Republic | 0.0 /100 | #336 | Tragic 7.2% |
Navajo | 0.0 /100 | #337 | Tragic 7.3% |
Tohono O'odham | 0.0 /100 | #338 | Tragic 7.7% |
Immigrants | Yemen | 0.0 /100 | #339 | Tragic 7.8% |
Hopi | 0.0 /100 | #340 | Tragic 8.1% |
Inupiat | 0.0 /100 | #341 | Tragic 8.2% |
Puerto Ricans | 0.0 /100 | #342 | Tragic 8.3% |
Arapaho | 0.0 /100 | #343 | Tragic 8.8% |
Pima | 0.0 /100 | #344 | Tragic 9.3% |
Yuman | 0.0 /100 | #345 | Tragic 9.6% |
Yup'ik | 0.0 /100 | #346 | Tragic 10.9% |
Crow | 0.0 /100 | #347 | Tragic 12.1% |
Demographics Similar to Uruguayans by Female Unemployment
In terms of female unemployment, the demographic groups most similar to Uruguayans are Ottawa (5.4%, a difference of 0.020%), Choctaw (5.4%, a difference of 0.12%), Samoan (5.4%, a difference of 0.12%), Seminole (5.4%, a difference of 0.17%), and Immigrants from Nicaragua (5.4%, a difference of 0.19%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Female Unemployment |
Immigrants | Afghanistan | 18.9 /100 | #205 | Poor 5.4% |
Immigrants | Brazil | 18.8 /100 | #206 | Poor 5.4% |
Creek | 15.4 /100 | #207 | Poor 5.4% |
Immigrants | Costa Rica | 13.7 /100 | #208 | Poor 5.4% |
Koreans | 13.4 /100 | #209 | Poor 5.4% |
Choctaw | 12.3 /100 | #210 | Poor 5.4% |
Ottawa | 11.6 /100 | #211 | Poor 5.4% |
Uruguayans | 11.4 /100 | #212 | Poor 5.4% |
Samoans | 10.6 /100 | #213 | Poor 5.4% |
Seminole | 10.3 /100 | #214 | Poor 5.4% |
Immigrants | Nicaragua | 10.2 /100 | #215 | Poor 5.4% |
Comanche | 10.0 /100 | #216 | Poor 5.4% |
Peruvians | 9.6 /100 | #217 | Tragic 5.4% |
Bermudans | 9.0 /100 | #218 | Tragic 5.4% |
South Americans | 8.6 /100 | #219 | Tragic 5.4% |