Puget Sound Salish vs Afghan Householder Income Under 25 years
Puget Sound Salish
Householder Income Under 25 years
Householder Income Under 25 years Comparison
Puget Sound Salish
100.0/ 100
50th/ 347
100.0/ 100
10th/ 347
Puget Sound Salish vs Afghan Householder Income Under 25 years Correlation Chart
The statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 43,619,014 people shows a substantial negative correlation between the proportion of Puget Sound Salish and household income with householder under the age of 25 in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.577 and weighted average of $55,543. Similarly, the statistical analysis conducted on geographies consisting of 136,529,286 people shows a weak negative correlation between the proportion of Afghans and household income with householder under the age of 25 in the United States with a correlation coefficient (R) of -0.210 and weighted average of $58,019, a difference of 4.5%.

Householder Income Under 25 years Correlation Summary
Measurement | Puget Sound Salish | Afghan |
Minimum | $20,833 | $21,359 |
Maximum | $64,208 | $121,552 |
Range | $43,375 | $100,193 |
Mean | $51,133 | $59,184 |
Median | $52,249 | $56,725 |
Interquartile 25% (IQ1) | $44,250 | $48,958 |
Interquartile 75% (IQ3) | $62,601 | $68,385 |
Interquartile Range (IQR) | $18,351 | $19,427 |
Standard Deviation (Sample) | $14,105 | $19,191 |
Standard Deviation (Population) | $13,627 | $19,028 |
Similar Demographics by Householder Income Under 25 years
Demographics Similar to Puget Sound Salish by Householder Income Under 25 years
In terms of householder income under 25 years, the demographic groups most similar to Puget Sound Salish are Iranian ($55,548, a difference of 0.010%), Immigrants from Vietnam ($55,562, a difference of 0.030%), Immigrants from Romania ($55,522, a difference of 0.040%), Immigrants from Indonesia ($55,521, a difference of 0.040%), and Spanish American Indian ($55,573, a difference of 0.050%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Householder Income Under 25 years |
Immigrants | South Eastern Asia | 100.0 /100 | #43 | Exceptional $55,714 |
Paraguayans | 100.0 /100 | #44 | Exceptional $55,614 |
Spanish American Indians | 100.0 /100 | #45 | Exceptional $55,573 |
Immigrants | Eastern Europe | 100.0 /100 | #46 | Exceptional $55,572 |
Cambodians | 100.0 /100 | #47 | Exceptional $55,571 |
Immigrants | Vietnam | 100.0 /100 | #48 | Exceptional $55,562 |
Iranians | 100.0 /100 | #49 | Exceptional $55,548 |
Puget Sound Salish | 100.0 /100 | #50 | Exceptional $55,543 |
Immigrants | Romania | 100.0 /100 | #51 | Exceptional $55,522 |
Immigrants | Indonesia | 100.0 /100 | #52 | Exceptional $55,521 |
Immigrants | Poland | 100.0 /100 | #53 | Exceptional $55,474 |
Sri Lankans | 100.0 /100 | #54 | Exceptional $55,470 |
Immigrants | Ukraine | 100.0 /100 | #55 | Exceptional $55,447 |
Salvadorans | 100.0 /100 | #56 | Exceptional $55,412 |
Soviet Union | 100.0 /100 | #57 | Exceptional $55,340 |
Demographics Similar to Afghans by Householder Income Under 25 years
In terms of householder income under 25 years, the demographic groups most similar to Afghans are Immigrants from China ($57,931, a difference of 0.15%), Immigrants from Philippines ($57,930, a difference of 0.15%), Chinese ($58,162, a difference of 0.25%), Immigrants from South Central Asia ($57,818, a difference of 0.35%), and Indian (Asian) ($58,239, a difference of 0.38%).
Demographics | Rating | Rank | Householder Income Under 25 years |
Immigrants | India | 100.0 /100 | #3 | Exceptional $59,914 |
Immigrants | Taiwan | 100.0 /100 | #4 | Exceptional $59,424 |
Immigrants | Bolivia | 100.0 /100 | #5 | Exceptional $59,389 |
Thais | 100.0 /100 | #6 | Exceptional $59,187 |
Bolivians | 100.0 /100 | #7 | Exceptional $58,506 |
Indians (Asian) | 100.0 /100 | #8 | Exceptional $58,239 |
Chinese | 100.0 /100 | #9 | Exceptional $58,162 |
Afghans | 100.0 /100 | #10 | Exceptional $58,019 |
Immigrants | China | 100.0 /100 | #11 | Exceptional $57,931 |
Immigrants | Philippines | 100.0 /100 | #12 | Exceptional $57,930 |
Immigrants | South Central Asia | 100.0 /100 | #13 | Exceptional $57,818 |
Filipinos | 100.0 /100 | #14 | Exceptional $57,740 |
Koreans | 100.0 /100 | #15 | Exceptional $57,730 |
Immigrants | Afghanistan | 100.0 /100 | #16 | Exceptional $57,478 |
Sierra Leoneans | 100.0 /100 | #17 | Exceptional $57,272 |