Zip Codes with the Highest Percentage of Population Taking Taxi / Cab to Work in West Sacramento, CA
On this page
Taxi / Cab
Highest PopulationHighest Population DensityLowest Population DensityMale / Female RatioFemale / Male RatioOldest PopulationOldest Population | MaleOldest Population | FemaleYoungest PopulationYoungest Population | MaleYoungest Population | Female
Families and Households
Largest Family SizeLargest Household SizeMost Single FathersMost Single MothersFewest Single FathersFewest Single MothersSmallest Family SizeSmallest Household Size
Female Fertility
Highest Birth Rate | All WomenHighest Birth Rate | Women 35+Highest Birth Rate | Below PovertyHighest Birth Rate | Public IncomeHighest Birth Rate | In Labor ForceLowest Birth Rate | All WomenLowest Birth Rate | Women 35+Lowest Birth Rate | Below PovertyLowest Birth Rate | Public IncomeLowest Birth Rate | In Labor Force
Female Fertility (Unmarried)
Race (Community Size)
Race (Percentage)
Ancestry (Community Size)
AfghanAfricanAmericanBelgianBhutaneseBritishCentral AmericanCherokeeCroatianCzechDanishDutchEastern EuropeanEnglishEuropeanFilipinoFinnishFrenchFrench CanadianGermanGreekGuamanian / ChamorroHonduranIndian (Asian)IranianIrishItalianJapaneseKoreanMacedonianMalaysianMexicanMexican American IndianNavajoNorwegianPakistaniPolishPortuguesePuerto RicanRussianSalvadoranScandinavianScotch-IrishScottishSlovakSpaniardSpanishSri LankanSubsaharan AfricanSwedishSwissThaiUkrainianWelsh
Ancestry (Percentage)
AfghanAfricanAmericanBelgianBhutaneseBritishCentral AmericanCherokeeCroatianCzechDanishDutchEastern EuropeanEnglishEuropeanFilipinoFinnishFrenchFrench CanadianGermanGreekGuamanian / ChamorroHonduranIndian (Asian)IranianIrishItalianJapaneseKoreanMacedonianMalaysianMexicanMexican American IndianNavajoNorwegianPakistaniPolishPortuguesePuerto RicanRussianSalvadoranScandinavianScotch-IrishScottishSlovakSpaniardSpanishSri LankanSubsaharan AfricanSwedishSwissThaiUkrainianWelsh
Immigrant Origin (Total)
AfghanistanAfricaAsiaCentral AmericaChinaEastern AsiaEastern EuropeEl SalvadorEuropeFijiGermanyHondurasIndiaIranItalyKazakhstanLaosLatin AmericaMexicoOceaniaPakistanPhilippinesPortugalRussiaSouth Central AsiaSouth Eastern AsiaSouthern EuropeTaiwanThailandUkraineUzbekistanVietnamWestern Europe
Immigrant Origin (Percentage)
AfghanistanAfricaAsiaCentral AmericaChinaEastern AsiaEastern EuropeEl SalvadorEuropeFijiGermanyHondurasIndiaIranItalyKazakhstanLaosLatin AmericaMexicoOceaniaPakistanPhilippinesPortugalRussiaSouth Central AsiaSouth Eastern AsiaSouthern EuropeTaiwanThailandUkraineUzbekistanVietnamWestern Europe
Highest Per Capita IncomeHighest Earnings | MaleHighest Earnings | FemaleHighest Wage/Income Gap ($)Highest Wage/Income Gap (%)Highest Inequality / Gini IndexLowest Per Capita IncomeLowest Earnings | MaleLowest Earnings | FemaleLowest Wage/Income Gap ($)Lowest Wage/Income Gap (%)Lowest Inequality / Gini Index
Income (Families)
Highest Family IncomeLowest Family IncomeFamily Income | $0-10kFamily Income | $100k+Family Income | $200k+
Income (Households)
Highest Household IncomeLowest Household IncomeHousehold Income | $0-10kHousehold Income | $200k+Household Income | $100k+
Highest PovertyHighest Poverty | MaleHighest Poverty | FemaleHighest Poverty | Female 18-24Highest Poverty | Female 25-34Highest Poverty | Child 0-5Highest Poverty | Child 0-16Highest Poverty | Boys 0-16Highest Poverty | Girls 0-16Highest Poverty | Seniors 65+Highest Poverty | Seniors 75+ Lowest PovertyLowest Poverty | MaleLowest Poverty | FemaleLowest Poverty | Child 0-5Lowest Poverty | Child 0-16Lowest Poverty | Boys 0-16Lowest Poverty | Girls 0-16Lowest Poverty | Seniors 65+Lowest Poverty | Seniors 75+
Poverty (Families)
Highest Family PovertyHighest Poverty | Married CoupleHighest Poverty | Single MaleHighest Poverty | Single FemaleHighest Poverty | Single MotherLowest Family PovertyLowest Poverty | Married CoupleLowest Poverty | Single MaleLowest Poverty | Single FemaleLowest Poverty | Single Mother
Highest UnemploymentHighest Unemployment | MaleHighest Unemployment | FemaleHighest Unemployment | Youth < 25Lowest UnemploymentLowest Unemployment | MaleLowest Unemployment | FemaleLowest Unemployment | Youth < 25
Employment Occupations
Architecture & EngineeringArts, Media & EntertainmentBusiness & FinancialCleaning & MaintenanceCommunity & Social Service Computer & MathematicsComputer, Engineering & ScienceConstruction & ExtractionEducation Instruction & LibraryEducation, Arts & MediaFarming, Fishing & ForestryFirefighting & PreventionFood Preparation & ServingHealth Diagnosing & TreatingHealth TechnologistsHealthcare SupportInstallation, Maintenance & RepairLaw EnforcementLegal Services & SupportLife, Physical & Social ScienceManagementMaterial MovingOffice & AdministrationPersonal Care and ServiceProductionSales & RelatedSecurity & ProtectionTransportation
Employment Industries
Accommodation & Food ServicesAdministrative & Support ServicesAgriculture, Fishing & HuntingArts, Entertainment & RecreationConstructionEducational ServicesFinance & InsuranceHealth Care & Social AssistanceInformation & TechnologyManufacturingProfessional & Scientific ServicesPublic AdministrationReal Estate, Rental & LeasingRetail TradeTransportation & WarehousingUtilitiesWholesale Trade
Employer Class
Private Company EmployeesSelf-Employed / IncorporatedSelf-Employed / Not IncorporatedNot-for-profit OrganizationsLocal Government EmployeesState Government EmployeesFederal Government Employees
Commute Time
Longest CommuteLongest Commute | MaleLongest Commute | FemaleShortest CommuteShortest Commute | MaleShortest Commute | Female
Commute Means
School Enrollment
In Private SchoolNursery / PreschoolKindergartenElementary SchoolMiddle SchoolHigh SchoolCollegeUniversity
Education by Degree Field
Computers and MathematicsBio, Nature & AgriculturalPhysical and Health SciencesPsychologySocial SciencesEngineeringScience and EngineeringBusinessEducationLiterature and LanguagesLiberal Arts and HistoryVisual and Performing ArtsCommunicationsArts and Humanities
Highest Median Housing CostsHighest Property PricesHighest Owner Housing CostsHighest Renter Housing CostsHighest Housing Costs / IncomeLowest Median Housing CostsLowest Property PricesLowest Owner Housing CostsLowest Renter Housing CostsLowest Housing Costs / Income
Physical Characteristics
West Sacramento
AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict Of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaPuerto RicoRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming
California Cities
AlamedaAlhambraAnaheimAntiochApple ValleyArcadiaAuburnBakersfieldBerkeleyBeverly HillsBuena ParkBurbankCamarilloCanoga ParkCanyon CountryCarlsbadCarsonCastro ValleyChicoChinoChula VistaCitrus HeightsClovisComptonConcordCoronaCosta MesaCovinaCulver CityDaly CityDanvilleDavisDowneyDuarteEl CajonEl MonteElk GroveEncinoEscondidoEurekaFairfieldFontanaFremontFresnoFullertonGarden GroveGardenaGlendaleGlendoraGrass ValleyHaywardHemetHesperiaHuntington BeachIndioInglewoodIrvineLa JollaLa MesaLa MiradaLa PuenteLake ElsinoreLakewoodLancasterLivermoreLodiLompocLong BeachLos AltosLos AngelesLos GatosMaderaMalibuMantecaMenifeeMercedMission ViejoModestoMonterey ParkMoragaMoreno ValleyMountain ViewMurrietaNapaNewport BeachNorth HollywoodNorthridgeNovatoOaklandOceansideOntarioOrangeOrovilleOxnardPalm DesertPalm SpringsPalmdalePalo AltoPasadenaPerrisPetalumaPleasantonPomonaRancho CordovaRancho CucamongaReddingRedlandsRedondo BeachRedwood CityRialtoRichmondRiversideRocklinRosevilleSacramentoSalinasSan BernardinoSan ClementeSan DiegoSan FranciscoSan GabrielSan JoseSan LeandroSan Luis ObispoSan MarcosSan MateoSan PedroSan RafaelSan RamonSanta AnaSanta BarbaraSanta ClaraSanta ClaritaSanta CruzSanta MariaSanta MonicaSanta RosaSherman OaksSimi ValleySpring ValleyStocktonSunnyvaleTemeculaThousand OaksTorranceTracyTurlockTustinTwentynine PalmsUplandVacavilleValenciaVallejoVan NuysVenturaVictorvilleVisaliaVistaWalnut CreekWest CovinaWest SacramentoWhittierWoodlandWoodland HillsYorba LindaYuba City
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Map of Zip Codes with the Highest Percentage of Population Taking Taxi / Cab to Work in West Sacramento

Zip Codes with the Highest Percentage of Population Taking Taxi / Cab to Work in West Sacramento, CA
Zip Code | % Take Taxi / Cab | vs State | vs National | |
1. | 95691 | 36.0% | 37.2%(-1.20)#679 | 38.2%(-2.20)#8,411 |
2. | 95605 | 24.6% | 37.2%(-12.6)#1,056 | 38.2%(-13.6)#12,345 |
Common Questions
What are the Top Zip Codes with the Highest Percentage of Population Taking Taxi / Cab to Work in West Sacramento, CA?
Top Zip Codes with the Highest Percentage of Population Taking Taxi / Cab to Work in West Sacramento, CA are:
What zip code has the Highest Percentage of Population Taking Taxi / Cab to Work in West Sacramento, CA?
95691 has the Highest Percentage of Population Taking Taxi / Cab to Work in West Sacramento, CA with 36.0%.
What is the Percentage of Population Taking Taxi / Cab to Work in West Sacramento, CA?
Percentage of Population Taking Taxi / Cab to Work in West Sacramento is 35.6%.
What is the Percentage of Population Taking Taxi / Cab to Work in California?
Percentage of Population Taking Taxi / Cab to Work in California is 37.2%.
What is the Percentage of Population Taking Taxi / Cab to Work in the United States?
Percentage of Population Taking Taxi / Cab to Work in the United States is 38.2%.