Zip Codes with the Lowest Wage/Income Gap (%) in Joint Base Mdl, NJ
On this page
Lowest Wage/Income Gap (%)
Highest PopulationHighest Population DensityLowest Population DensityMale / Female RatioFemale / Male RatioOldest PopulationOldest Population | MaleOldest Population | FemaleYoungest PopulationYoungest Population | MaleYoungest Population | Female
Families and Households
Largest Family SizeLargest Household SizeMost Single FathersMost Single MothersFewest Single FathersFewest Single MothersSmallest Family SizeSmallest Household Size
Female Fertility
Highest Birth Rate | All WomenHighest Birth Rate | Below PovertyHighest Birth Rate | Public IncomeHighest Birth Rate | In Labor ForceLowest Birth Rate | All WomenLowest Birth Rate | Below PovertyLowest Birth Rate | Public IncomeLowest Birth Rate | In Labor Force
Race (Community Size)
Race (Percentage)
Ancestry (Community Size)
AfricanAmericanArabBhutaneseBlackfeetBritishBurmeseCentral AmericanCentral American IndianColombianCubanCzechDanishDominicanDutchEnglishEthiopianEuropeanFrenchFrench CanadianGermanGreekGuatemalanHaitianHonduranIndian (Asian)IrishItalianJamaicanKenyanKoreanLebaneseMexicanNative HawaiianNavajoNorwegianPanamanianPeruvianPolishPortuguesePuerto RicanRussianSalvadoranScandinavianScotch-IrishScottishSiouxSouth AmericanSpaniardSpanishSri LankanSubsaharan AfricanSwedishThaiUkrainianWelshWest Indian
Ancestry (Percentage)
AfricanAmericanArabBhutaneseBlackfeetBritishBurmeseCentral AmericanCentral American IndianColombianCubanCzechDanishDominicanDutchEnglishEthiopianEuropeanFrenchFrench CanadianGermanGreekGuatemalanHaitianHonduranIndian (Asian)IrishItalianJamaicanKenyanKoreanLebaneseMexicanNative HawaiianNavajoNorwegianPanamanianPeruvianPolishPortuguesePuerto RicanRussianSalvadoranScandinavianScotch-IrishScottishSiouxSouth AmericanSpaniardSpanishSri LankanSubsaharan AfricanSwedishThaiUkrainianWelshWest Indian
Immigrant Origin (Total)
AfricaAsiaCanadaCaribbeanCentral AmericaChinaColombiaDominican RepublicEastern AfricaEastern AsiaEastern EuropeEuropeGermanyGuatemalaHaitiHondurasIndiaJamaicaKenyaKoreaLatin AmericaMexicoPeruPhilippinesSouth AmericaSouth Central AsiaSouth Eastern AsiaUkraineWestern Europe
Immigrant Origin (Percentage)
AfricaAsiaCanadaCaribbeanCentral AmericaChinaColombiaDominican RepublicEastern AfricaEastern AsiaEastern EuropeEuropeGermanyGuatemalaHaitiHondurasIndiaJamaicaKenyaKoreaLatin AmericaMexicoPeruPhilippinesSouth AmericaSouth Central AsiaSouth Eastern AsiaUkraineWestern Europe
Highest Per Capita IncomeHighest Earnings | MaleHighest Earnings | FemaleHighest Wage/Income Gap ($)Highest Wage/Income Gap (%)Highest Inequality / Gini IndexLowest Per Capita IncomeLowest Earnings | MaleLowest Earnings | FemaleLowest Wage/Income Gap ($)Lowest Wage/Income Gap (%)Lowest Inequality / Gini Index
Income (Families)
Income (Households)
Highest PovertyHighest Poverty | MaleHighest Poverty | FemaleHighest Poverty | Female 25-34Highest Poverty | Child 0-5Highest Poverty | Child 0-16Highest Poverty | Boys 0-16Highest Poverty | Girls 0-16Lowest PovertyLowest Poverty | MaleLowest Poverty | FemaleLowest Poverty | Child 0-5Lowest Poverty | Child 0-16Lowest Poverty | Boys 0-16Lowest Poverty | Girls 0-16
Poverty (Families)
Highest Family PovertyHighest Poverty | Married CoupleHighest Poverty | Single FemaleHighest Poverty | Single MotherLowest Family PovertyLowest Poverty | Married CoupleLowest Poverty | Single FemaleLowest Poverty | Single Mother
Employment Occupations
Business & FinancialCommunity & Social Service Computer & MathematicsComputer, Engineering & ScienceEducation Instruction & LibraryEducation, Arts & MediaFood Preparation & ServingHealth Diagnosing & TreatingHealth TechnologistsHealthcare SupportInstallation, Maintenance & RepairManagementOffice & AdministrationPersonal Care and ServiceProductionSales & Related
Employment Industries
Accommodation & Food ServicesAdministrative & Support ServicesArts, Entertainment & RecreationConstructionEducational ServicesFinance & InsuranceHealth Care & Social AssistanceInformation & TechnologyManufacturingProfessional & Scientific ServicesPublic AdministrationRetail TradeTransportation & WarehousingWholesale Trade
Employer Class
Private Company EmployeesSelf-Employed / IncorporatedSelf-Employed / Not IncorporatedNot-for-profit OrganizationsLocal Government EmployeesFederal Government Employees
Commute Time
Longest CommuteLongest Commute | MaleLongest Commute | FemaleShortest CommuteShortest Commute | MaleShortest Commute | Female
Commute Means
School Enrollment
In Private SchoolNursery / PreschoolKindergartenElementary SchoolMiddle SchoolHigh SchoolCollegeUniversity
Education by Degree Field
Computers and MathematicsBio, Nature & AgriculturalPhysical and Health SciencesPsychologySocial SciencesEngineeringMultidisciplinary StudiesScience and EngineeringBusinessEducationLiterature and LanguagesLiberal Arts and HistoryVisual and Performing ArtsCommunicationsArts and Humanities
Highest Median Housing CostsHighest Renter Housing CostsHighest Housing Costs / IncomeLowest Median Housing CostsLowest Renter Housing CostsLowest Housing Costs / Income
Physical Characteristics
Joint Base Mdl
AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict Of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaPuerto RicoRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming
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Map of Zip Codes with the Lowest Wage/Income Gap (%) in Joint Base Mdl

Zip Codes with the Lowest Wage/Income Gap (%) in Joint Base Mdl, NJ
Zip Code | Wage/Income Gap (%) | vs State | vs National | |
1. | 08640 | 5.8% | 29.5%(-0.236)#24 | 28.0%(-0.221)#1,532 |
2. | 08641 | 50.0% | 29.5%(+0.206)#481 | 28.0%(+0.221)#24,813 |
Common Questions
What are the Top Zip Codes with the Lowest Wage/Income Gap (%) in Joint Base Mdl, NJ?
Top Zip Codes with the Lowest Wage/Income Gap (%) in Joint Base Mdl, NJ are:
What zip code has the Lowest Wage/Income Gap (%) in Joint Base Mdl, NJ?
08640 has the Lowest Wage/Income Gap (%) in Joint Base Mdl, NJ with 5.8%.
What is the Wage / Income Gap in Percentage Terms in New Jersey?
Wage / Income Gap in Percentage Terms in New Jersey is 29.5%.
What is the Wage / Income Gap in Percentage Terms in the United States?
Wage / Income Gap in Percentage Terms in the United States is 28.0%.